Toward A Transnational History of Turkish Studies (18th-20th Centuries)

Toward A Transnational History of Turkish Studies (18th-20th Centuries)

Marie Bossaert, EPHE, Paris / Emmanuel Szurek, Princeton University
Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes, Istanbul
From - Until
12.11.2015 - 13.11.2015
Emmanuel Szurek

Turkish studies, as a seemingly autonomous field of knowledge, has not been critically examined. With few exceptions, the existing literature generally provide a linear, internalist, if not hagiographic narrative centered on the “life-and-work” of a series of outstanding individuals. Moreover, conducted country by country, these surveys tend to neglect the international circulation of ideas, men and artifacts. We wish to take into account the different inheritances (European, Russian, Ottoman, Turkish, Arab, Japanese, American etc.) that have contributed to the intellectual and institutional autonomization of the field.

We propose to follow these leads through three sets of questions focusing on the definition, the actors, and the uses of Turkology.
1. What is Turkology? What is its object? Is it different than "Turkish studies"? Who are the "Turks" under consideration? When did Turkish Studies appear in the different countries, and how did they fit in the broader fields of orientalist scholarship, the humanities, and the social sciences at large?

2. Who is a Turkologist? How does one become a student in Turkish studies? Who are the non-academic and/or subaltern contributors to the field? What are the local, national and international networks enacted by these people?

3. What use is Turkology? What is the social and political role of the Turkologist (intelligence, military, diplomacy, translation etc.)? How were Turkish studies connected to Turkish nationalism(s)? To colonial empires? To international migrations? Is there such a thing as "War-Turkology"?
(The detailed call for papers and submission guidelines are available at (English) and (French).)

Scholars in the humanities and social sciences are invited to submit proposals with a short resume by 15 May 2015. Abstracts (up to 600 words) should be submitted in English or French. They should elaborate on sources, outline the key questions, the methodology, and provide bibliographical references. Accepted panelists will be notified by 15 June 2015.

Authors will be asked to submit a first draft of 10 pages by 30 September 2015. Selected papers will be expected on 30 January 2016 and will be considered for publication in a special issue of the European Journal of Turkish Studies. They shall not exceed 60,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography (see

The presentations will be in English or in French. Participants are expected to attend the entire workshop.

Travel and subsistence expenses will be covered through funding provided by the French National Research Agency [Agence Nationale de la Recherche] within the programme “Trans-acting Matters: Areas and Eras of a (Post-)Ottoman Globalization” [Matières à transfaire. Espaces-temps d’une globalisation (post-)ottomane] (ANR-12-GLOB-003). Also with the support of the Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (Paris).


Contact (announcement)

Marie Bossaert

Emmanuel Szurek

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English, French
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